Our Manifesto
Raise your
By integrating Jyotisha, Number symbolism, and Scalar field theory, and implementing metaphysical instruments for attuning with the universe, we open ourselves to beneficial evolutions in our existence — That's the chase of metamorphosis at MysBlavatsky.
01 — methodology through Jyotiḥśāstra
Transform your Karmas
According to Vedic astrology, there are nine planetary forces and twenty-seven stellar influences that shape the organic and inorganic occurrences on our planet. The ascendant sign and the spatial conjunctions of the planets within differing celestial signs and houses at the precise moment of birth, disclose a cosmic blueprint for your soul. This destiny is set to play out on Earth via the mechanism known as “LIFE (Liberating Incessant Flow of Energy)”.
The term LIFE when expanded in terms of energy shows that your life is all about energy transfer. How well are you able to do the energy exchange with the planetary and stellar forces unmask the Karmic codes that you carry from the past and how those codes are going to influence your present and future. Jyotiḥśāstra, rooted in the Vedas combines the principles of Astronomy, Mathematics and Esotericism to study the influence of planetary energies from the Solar system and twenty seven stellar energies on mundane and spiritual affairs related to human life on the plane of earth.
The fruits of your past life Karma are channelized to you to experience them on this earthly plane through nine Grahas by the Stellar forces. When we view human
life through the lens of Jyotiḥśāstra, it may seem that everything related to our life is predetermined and there is nothing we can do except following the path dictated by planets and stellar forces.
But, Swamy Sri Yukteswar Giri says “planetary pressures can be overcome using spiritual measures”. This is what we strongly believe in.
Although a path is defined by the celestial agencies to experience the Karmic fruits, a provision always exists for exercising your ‘free-will’ to change your Agama Karma using spiritual measures which will in turn help to choose the right actions to make your life far better amidst experiencing ripened Karma.
Promise of Progenies
Identifying the primary and secondary factors that indicate the promise of having progenies.
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Sep 12, 2024
Is awakening Kundalini beneficial?
The Kundalini is not always friendly in nature. Improper and untimely attempts to awaken it will certainly cause health issues.