The twelve houses in your horoscope determines how your life will progress. Astrocartography is a methodology that connects these 12 houses with the geographical locations on the Earth.

The Jyotisha Shree analyses the best places suitable for harnessing the optimum results of various houses in your birth chart.

This report includes:
  1. Artha House Analysis — The houses 2, 6 and 10 in astrology, called the Artha houses or the houses which will you acquire the resources to support your life. For intance, if you are residing in a place through which no planetary energy related to your Artha House is passing, your efforts to build up materialistic resources will not be realised to a satisfactory level. Consequently, if you were to relocate your place of residence to a place that indicated the optimum planetary energies coinciding with that of your Artha House, you will be greatly benefitted in terms of money and resources.

The Astrocartography report is essential for you, if:
  • You are seeking relocation

  • You are seeking relationships

  • You are seeking emotional-wellbeing

  • You are seeking to maintain your health

  • You are seeking spiritual nutrition

  • You are seeking religious pursuits

  • You are seeking creativity

  • You are seeking self-esteem

This is a personalised report written after analysing your chart. It is not an auto generated report. Duration for research, diagnosis, analysis and preparation of the report is estimated at 10 business days for final delivery. The report may contain 1000 - 1500 words and will be mailed to the email address that you provide during checkout.‍

Note: We will send you a form to collect your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth details to the same email address used in checkout. Details for the video consultation will be communicated via email.

Estimated price


