Human Auric Body Balancing
The body-mind complex of a human being receives energy from 7 major Chakras as mentioned in ancient texts of Vedic period. The Sanskrit names of these 7 Chakras are i) Muladhara, ii) Swadhishthana, iii) Manipura, iv) Anahatha, v) Visuddha, vi) Ajna, & vii) Sahasrara.
Each of these Chakras have a corresponding layer in the auric field, viz.,
Etheric body
Emotional body
Mental body
Astral body
Etheric template body
Celestial body &
Ketheric template body respectively.
The Chakras are swirling vortices of energy which receive energy from the Universal Energy Field and connected with specific ‘endocrine gland & body parts’.
These Chakras have three major duties:
To vitalize the corresponding auric layer, endocrine gland and body part
To upgrade the psychological set up of an individual to raise self-consciousness and awareness
To transfer energy between the seven layers of auric body.
If the Chakras fail to execute the above mentioned three duties, the whole system of energy exchange in human energy field gets disrupted and will lead to:
Issues in developing self-awareness
Issues in maintain a comfortable emotional and mental health
Issues in physical body as a reflection of disrupted energy flow through energy channels.
Hence, it is recommended to know the status of your energy field (Biofield) atleast in every 30 days and undertake proper balancing measures to maintain your energy field without any significant deviation from the normal.
Specific subtle energy instrument (USA) will be used for this purpose.
All sessions will be done in remote mode, i.e., You need not be physically present to avail the session.
A session may last for 1- 2 hours of analyses and 6 – 12 hours of balancing.
During the stage of analysis, it is recommended that you video conference with the operator.
If you are unable to do so, please provide your photograph (only you) to receive the balancing energy flow broadcasted by the instrument.
Note: Due to the popularity of this service, booking slots are limited in number every month. You can write to to book your sessions in advance.
Estimated price